The expert’s guide to business grant funding

Grant funding could provide your small business with an opportunity to invest in new equipment or projects, launch a new product or service or expand your operations. With many business grants being competitive, it’s good to know how to give your application a competitive advantage.

If you’re looking for ways to finance your business growth, grant funding could make a big difference to your success. Anne Furey from grant application service provider GrantSmart shares her expert tips for grant application success. According to Anne, there are hundreds of grants available across Australia, starting from $100, that are designed to support a range of businesses and organisations.

“Most grant programs are quite specific in what they are seeking to fund,” says Anne. “They might be focussed on a particular sector like tourism, agri-food, manufacturing, defence, oil and gas, or focussed on activities such innovation, jobs growth and supporting Indigenous business growth, which can apply across multiple sectors.”

By ensuring the grant is right for your business and preparing a competitive application, you can give yourself the best chance to secure this additional financial support for your business. Anne advises there are ten things business owners should do when considering grants. 


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